Tag Archives: killer whale

Who is Shamu?

@ Shamu's
Ta-Dah--This is Shamu

Three guesses .  Name the iconic symbol of killer whales; the spokesman of the Orca’s; the star of  Sea World ?

Shamu and Diver square-1r
Shamu and Trainer perform at Sea World

Of course, it’s Shamu, the slaphappy black and white mammal with the stupendous tail.  He shamelessly sprays and splashes his way into your soul, showering smooches on his trainer, then snorts a soggy smile. He spins, spirals and submerges, holding the crowd spellbound, only to surface with a startling slick stunt. He soars, he slides, and he shimmers and shines.

Don’t forget; he’s also a sleek, slippery scavenger, stealth of the ocean and a superb swimmer.  Yet, a sappy old salt who can summon spontaneous shouts from the crowd and smack a sopping somersault.

Sea World Trainers and Shamu

Sensational Shamu, put him in the spotlight and he steals the show.