Tag Archives: apples

When You’ve Got Apples, Bake an Apple Raspberry Pie

When it comes to apples in the South, a visit to Hendersonville, North Carolina, is in order. The small city near Asheville ranks as the seventh-largest producer of apples in America. Who knew? Apparently, William Mills, one of the original settlers to the area, planted hundreds of apple trees around 1800. The fertile fields helped nurture the crops, and for decades growers sold their apples to wholesale buyers who made the fruit into applesauce, apple juice and other products. But, some of the buyers moved on, and today, many of the farmers sell their produce directly to consumers. And invite them to their farms.

Farm fresh apples in Hendersonville, NC
Farm fresh apples in Hendersonville, NC

I was asked to participate in an agritourism tour in Hendersonville, and being fond of apples, accepted.

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The Strange Case of the 20 Nutmeg Recipe

Add 20 Nutmegs??

According to canada.com, a simple typo in a Swedish magazine led to four people being poisoned. Actually they developed symptoms like dizziness and headaches. Seems a recipe for apple cake was posted, and “Instead of calling for two pinches of nutmeg, it said 20 nutmeg nuts were needed.”

I happen to like nutmeg but a little goes a long way. I can’t imagine anyone grating 20 nutmegs and folding all that into a batter.

But, speaking of apple cake, here is one of my favorite recipes, a perfect seasonal treat.

Continue reading The Strange Case of the 20 Nutmeg Recipe