A Sunday Brunch Show Stopper
Sunday Brunch at the historic Casa Marina Hotel and Restaurant in Jacksonville Beach, Florida would not be complete without Chef Aaron Webb‘s dramatically presented Red Snapper. The gorgeous flame colored fish is served whole, in a standing position, along with dipping sauce.
I had the privilege of watching Chef prepare the fish and could not believe how easy it looked.
I am almost convinced I could try it myself, but still find it intimidating.
Here is a look at how Chef Webb does it:
Start with a 5 to 7 pound whole Red Snapper, scaled and de-gilled. Leave on the tail and head.

Gently score the fish the long way and cross ways with a sharp knife forming large diamonds.
Do not cut through the center bone.
With virgin olive oil, pour or brush in between the scored crevices. Season with your choices of spices:garlic powder, cumin, lemon pepper, salt and pepper.
Create a large ball from silver foil and stuff into the open base cavity of the fish so it will stand up firmly on an oiled baking sheet.
Cook at 325 degrees for 45 minutes; rotate and then check in another 20 minutes for doneness.
Serve with your choice of sipping sauce.
Enjoy this fabulously moist and tasty fish along with other selections at brunch!

Read this and other food blog stories on Wanderfood Wednesdays.