Tag Archives: wine

La Truffle Sauvage Wine Dinner: Lake Charles, LA

Restaurant Review

La Truffle Sauvage, Lake Charles, LA
La Truffle Sauvage, Lake Charles, LA

I arrived at a driveway leading to what looked like an upscale brick home and stepped inside to find a restaurant glowing in candlelight. The tables were covered in fine white cloths with centerpieces of slim breadsticks surrounded by low votives.  This was La Truffle Savage Restaurant in Lake Charles, co-owned by Chef Mohamed Chettouh and Arthur Durham.

A banquet table had been set aside with hundreds of wine glasses and the popping of champagne corks filled the air. Soon a waiter arrived with a tray of the bubbly.

How lovely, I thought; I’m very fortunate to attend this gourmet wine dinner.

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Chocolate Wine? Yes

A Product Review : ChocoVine

Chocolate and red wine? Sounds questionable but for the sake of this food blog, I ‘d experiment.

According to the wine maker,” ChocoVine is a fine French Cabernet subtly combined  with a rich dark chocolate from Holland, paired together to create a decadent, silky smooth drink. It can be served on the rocks or as the main ingredient to an array of sinful cocktails.”

Now, Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite wine and I adore chocolate, so why not?

WOW.  I was not expecting much but ChocoVine is a real find. Honestly.  My first sip tasted like Bailey’s Irish Cream but smoother. The drink rolls on the tongue and feels like super creamy, liquid pudding. Yum, I really liked the chocolately goodness, which doesn’t over power and blends nicely with delicate red wine. Smells wonderful, too.

The literature also states, ” The right chocolate paired with the perfect wine can create a near-orgasmic taste experience. But the wrong wine opposite a too-sweet chocolate creates nothing but horror. Many have taken the challenge…and have failed.” Well, I’m sitting at my desk by myself but feeling pretty good!

Continue reading Chocolate Wine? Yes

St. Simon’s King and Prince Resort 75th Anniversary Celebration

Legendary and inspirational sums up the 75th anniversary dinner at the King and Prince Beach and Golf Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia. The seven course meal was designed to showcase southern coastal cuisine over the past seven decades.

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