Tag Archives: kitchen tools

A Kitchen Shower Idea: The Ironing Board Lady

My walking partner, Debbie, told me about the cutest gift idea.The Ironing Board Lady makes the ideal kitchen shower present.

Purchase the bride an ironing board and dress in a bib style apron.Get creative with building her upper body: perhaps a splatter cover for her face, rolled towels for her arms, dishwashing gloves for her hands, mop hair and plastic scrubber pad eyes.

A heart cookie cutter becomes a clever mouth and she carries a bouquet of kitchen tools in an upside down grater. Use cheese cloth or netting, the kind that would cover a dish at a picnic, as her veil.

This little lady will be the life of the party and all her parts will come in handy when setting up a home.

What a fun gift to give and receive.

Special thanks to Debbie and her sister Donna for this tip.