Tag Archives: Lake Charles

Boudin for a Super Party

Jeff Benoit and his Mother at B & O's Kitchen
Jeff Benoit and his Mother at B & O’s Kitchen

While exploring Southwest Louisiana, I found the perfect food for a Super Bowl party- Cajun boudin (boo-dah): a mixture of ground pork, rice, onion, parsley, garlic and peppers injected into natural casing. Some recipes include liver. Local Cajun, Creole and German families make it, often sell it in a small shops and vigilantly protect their secret recipe. 

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La Truffle Sauvage Wine Dinner: Lake Charles, LA

Restaurant Review

La Truffle Sauvage, Lake Charles, LA
La Truffle Sauvage, Lake Charles, LA

I arrived at a driveway leading to what looked like an upscale brick home and stepped inside to find a restaurant glowing in candlelight. The tables were covered in fine white cloths with centerpieces of slim breadsticks surrounded by low votives.  This was La Truffle Savage Restaurant in Lake Charles, co-owned by Chef Mohamed Chettouh and Arthur Durham.

A banquet table had been set aside with hundreds of wine glasses and the popping of champagne corks filled the air. Soon a waiter arrived with a tray of the bubbly.

How lovely, I thought; I’m very fortunate to attend this gourmet wine dinner.

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