Tag Archives: North Carolina Children’s Hospital

Running for Krispy Kreme Donuts: Sweet Charity

Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts
Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts

Gotta love the 5,000 runners who gathered at North Carolina State University, ran 2 miles to a downtown Krispy Kreme, consumed one dozen donuts- EACH, then ran back to campus. All in the name of raising $35,000 for the NC Children’s Hospital.

Calculating each plain glazed donut at 200 calories and 12 grams of fat, that’s a total of 2,400 calories for the box. Yikes- and a whopping 144 grams of fat. Oh, but what a sweet and sweaty memory.

Rationalizing, running burned about 400-500 calories and no need to eat the rest of the day. I’d call that even.

Just mentioning Krispy Kreme makes me want to drive to the local store for one of their melt in your mouth treats. I hope the neon sign out front is lit; that means hot and fresh original glazed donuts are coming off the line. Yum. My favorite– the glazed crème-filled or is that kreme-filled?