Part 9- The Finale
Although Mimi’s virtual Angels & Demons blog tour is complete, I must add one more post. Here are some photos showing a few more angels and demons in Rome, and some of the city’s other wondrous sights.

This weeping angel hugs a grave in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome . John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley are also buried there. The cemetery’s main attraction is the pyramid of Caius Cestius. Cestius was a wealthy and eccentric magistrate, inspired by Egyptian relics. In 12 BC, he commissioned himself a tomb. According to the inscription, it was built in just 330 days using brick and marble.

Bocca della Verita, the Mouth of Truth
This grotesque face is actually a medieval drain cover set into the portico of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, a beautiful 6th century church. Legend says the mouth will snap shut on the hands of liars. The two little boys waiting in line ahead of me were very nervous. They asked, "Does it take just a few fingers or your whole hand?"

The tomb of Cardinal Rodreguez in Santa Maria Maggiore, dates from 1299. The church is famous for superb mosaics and a gorgeous marble floor. Below, is the Scala Santa or Holy Staircase that Christ is said to have climbed to his trail. It was dismantled and brought to Rome by St Helena in the 4th century. The faithful climb to the top on bended knees.

The remains of four temples, dated among the oldest in Rome, were discovered in the 1920’s at the center of Largo Argentina. The site is now a cat scantuary where scores of furry friends make their home.

Sunrise an sunset are spectacular times to shoot photos. The city comes alive at night (above) yielding a new perspective on ancient classics. Below is a view of the Tiber River before dawn.

For a fee you can have your photo taken with this Roman soldier at the Colosseum.

The Trevi Fountain, made popular by Aubrey Hepburn in the movie Roman Holiday, draws a mob of tourists. They come and throw three coins, supposedly assuring their return. I'm just superstitious enough to believe it, so I always visit and toss my coins into the foaming fountain. Arrivederci Roma.
All photographs copyright: Debi Lander.