Tag Archives: earthquake

Text a Donation to Help Japanese Survivors

Help is Needed.  Please donate.

Below is a list of ways to text a donation to aid survivors of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Tsunami damage north of Sendai, Japan

Text a donation

All donations will be added to your monthly cell phone bill.

Text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross.

Text “MED” to 80888 to donate $10 to the International Medical Corps.

Text “JAPAN” or “QUAKE” to 80888 to donate $10 to the Salvation Army.

Text “JAPAN” or “TSUNAMI” to 20222 to donate $10 to Save the Children’s Emergency Fund.

Text “4JAPAN” or “4TSUNAMI” to 20222 to donate $10 to World Vision.

Text “JAPAN” to 50555 to donate $10 to GlobalGiving.


Please check full article on Matador for several more ways to help.


How to Help Haiti

Flag of Haiti
Flag of Haiti

My sympathy goes out to everyone in earthquake-ridden Haiti who has suffered loss of family, friends and property.  The news and video remain heart-breaking.

The desire to help relief efforts by making donations seems to be swelling, but please be aware of scams out there.  The legitimate organizations using your money for aid are:
•    Action Against Hunger- http://actionagainsthunger.org
ActionAid – http://actionaidusa.org
•    Air Serve International – www.airserv.org
•    Airline Ambassadors – www.airlineamb.org
•    American Red Cross – www.redcross.org/donate or text the word HAITI to 90999 for a $10 donation
•    AmeriCares – www.AmeriCares.org
CARE – www.care.org/donatehaiti
•    Clinton Foundation – www.clintonfoundation.org or text the word HAITI to 20222 for a $10 donation*
•    Doctors Without Borders – doctorswithoutborders.org
•    Habitat for Humanity – www.habitat.org
•    Humane Society International – www.hsi.org
•    Mercy Corps: Haiti Earthquake Fund – www.mercycorps.org
•    Oxfam America – OxfamAmerica.org/Haiti
•    Partners in Health – www.pih.org
•    Save the Children – http://savethechildren.org
•    The Salvation Army – salvationarmyusa.org
•    UN World Food Programme – www.wfp.org
•    UNICEF – www.unicefusa.org/haitiquake
•    United Way International – www.liveunited.org

Red Cross Logo

Italian Earthquake hits L’aguila and the Church of Santa Maria de Collemaggio

View from an Italian hillside

I was shocked and saddened to hear about the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck Italy last night.  While I’ve never been to the town of L’aquila, I spent some time in the area about a year ago.

A traveler gains serendipitous knowledge of a place just by visiting.  When we open our hearts, we gain an understanding of the people and their culture. Because I am able recall trip memories, I can visualize an Italian hill town, feel a connection and the tragedy becomes more profound.

Italians live in tight communities; they know their neighbors, they chit-chat on the streets.  Young and old sit on the front steps or the benches by the town fountain.  They sip coffee together or meet in the market. They love their children, family and religion.

Santa Maria di Collemaggio

Lamentably, the 13th century church of Santa Maria di Collemaggio, near the city gates of L’Aquila, was severely damaged.  Pope Celestine V was crowned there in 1294.  Just think– that date was two hundred years before Columbus set sail to discover what is now North America.  This Pope was also buried in the crypt.  And, by the way, an interesting fact –he was the only pontiff ever to resign.

Italian Men discussing the day

I’m sorrowful about the loss, but of course buildings can be rebuilt.  The lives that were lost (275 dead, 1,500 injured) are gone forever.  My heartfelt prayers are with the people who live in or near this historic city.