Tag Archives: colt

The Birth of a Foal

I’m a city girl temporarily living on a thoroughbred horse farm in Ocala, Florida. That’s about a 180 degree flip, but the change has become a blessing. Bucolic pastures of grazing horses now surround me; most with pregnant mares as it is late winter/early spring. I awaken to the sounds of a rooster crowing, hens clucking, horses neighing and dogs barking. When I walk out my apartment door or return to open the car door, five dogs welcome me. I’ve never felt such a loving atmosphere.

A rooster awakens me on the farm.
A rooster awakens me on the farm.


I see firsthand the ongoing duties necessary to keep the Broken Back Farm thriving. Here, all creatures are treated with meticulous care and sincere respect.

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Crustless Quiche Interrupted

Ever since I returned from Flagler Beach, I’ve meant to bake a crustless spinach quiche.  I loved the dish so much that I asked Carol Fisher, owner of the Beach House Beanery and Café, to give me the recipe. But, as things go, the holidays and my move interfered.  It was when I began reviewing my Instagram account that I came across the quiche photo. The food photo garnered many likes, so I figured blog readers might enjoy it.

My Instagram photo of Carol's Quiche
My Instagram photo of Carol’s Quiche

Plus, Carol promised, “It’s easy. Just throw everything together and pour into a pie pan.”

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