On my recent trip to Italy I discovered a fantastic new product — Pocket Coffee. Why these scrumptious little nuggets aren’t available in the US is beyond me. Perhaps Starbucks lobbied against their import?
My group had just finished lunch and had no time to linger over a cup of café when we were handed packets of Pocket Coffee. Opening the wrapper I found a bite sized dark chocolate candy filled with espresso. Yes, liquid coffee. The piece brought an intense burst of mocha latte, with a hint of nutty tang.
First time testers agreed the tiny treat was marketing genius. “Curiously crunchy,” said Amanda Castleman, “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I like that it’s more chocolatey than coffee,” announced Anne Clippinger.
“But it’s too sweet for me,” cried Monika Jones. Most thought Pocket Coffee was a perfect blend of sugar and caffeine to go.
The candy, produced by Ferrero, sells in European grocery stores but not in the US. However, I found you can order it online from Parthenon Foods. Not available during the summer months, when the chocolate coating might ooze the liquid center. And heed taster Dave O’Sullivan’s warning, “Take them in one bite or you might ruin your shirt.”